The rowdiest and most animated fans are the Mets fans in outfield sections 140-142. Our seats also provided standard comfort, leg and elbow room along with an excellent view of the scoreboards in center field. The view of the field was excellent from those seats and we only paid $25 for them thanks to Stubhub. These seats are down the first base line and right where the infield dirt meets the grass.
Our seats for the game were in section 109, row 12, seats 3 and 4. However, it is a gem of a ballpark with a much more raucous fan base than that of the New York Yankees. Citi Field is located many miles from the hustle and bustle of Manhattan and in working class Flushing Queens, New York. We had heard those same words from local New Yorkers over and over again during our trip to New York City and have come to the conclusion that they were correct ( read our Yankee Stadium review). “The New York Yankees are the better team but Citi Field is a better ballpark”. Our staff was excited to finally visit Citi Field when we visited on June 13 th, 2017 for a home game vs.